Master Cleanse Journal – Day 6

May 17th, 2009 - filed under: Food Styles

This is going to be short because I am bloody exhausted! Today was another gorgeous sunny spring day, and we spent almost the entire time outside.  We slept in late and lazed around in the morning (this is of course code for ‘multiple trips to the bathroom’ – thank you SWF!), then hit the streets for a lovely bike ride to the local hardware store.  Garden goodies in tow, we were back home and into the yard, where we spent the rest of the day.  It was really fun to be out in the sun and working in the garden, but it’s difficult to be active for a prolonged period.  I was fatigued so easily, and the sun really zapped my energy.

Today was the first day that I have wanted food.  I’m not even hungry really, but I just want those flavors in my mouth. *sigh*

Tonight we were both so beat that we’ve just been laying around like wilted vegetables, haha. It’s good to do sometimes!  I’ve got a bit of a headache, which can happen when I get too much sun.  Ah well, totally worth it for a spectacular Saturday with my husband. Today was a good day.   =)


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