Goodbye Winter!

March 25th, 2010 - filed under: Uncategorized

The ‘Bed Rest Nest’ was where I spent the vast majority of Winter 2010.


This past Saturday, March 20th, was the vernal equinox that marks the first day of spring – and you better believe I was thinking of you guys on that day! I’m still technically on maternity leave, but I wanted to ‘come out of hibernation’, as it were, (how season-appropriate!) to acknowledge the passing of another winter. And to celebrate!

IMG_2220A very happy and very tired new mama, haha.

Here in Portland the first day of spring coincided with the first day of the 2010 Farmer’s Market. There was no way I was going to miss that! So we ventured forth – my husband, my son, my father, and I – for Waits’ very first outing (and first of *many* Farmer’s Markets, I’m sure)

And I know I’ve confessed to being a freaky autumn lover, but I gotta say: there’s nothing quite like a little sunny lovin’ after a long winter. So I’ve put together another love list, of things that make me excited for springtime!

IMG_2222My wee sunbather, the next generation of farm-fresh-food enthusiasts.

Why I <3 Spring

  • BEING OUTSIDE! After 10 weeks of bed rest, birth, and then these quiet postpartum days, I’m so looking forward to getting out and being active!
  • Walking my sweet boydogs. I’ve so missed my daily neighborhood meandering. Now I’ll be roving with the little one strapped to my chest, and it’ll feel so great to get back into shape!
  • Garden Season! Oh, but of course. My plate is pretty full and I’ll have to scale back my ambitions this year, but that won’t stop me from getting my hands as dirty as possible. I’m planning a bigger and better patio herb garden, and I’ll be filling my planter boxes with tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes (lordy I’m ready for good tomatoes again!)
  • Getting my vitamin D direct from the source.
  • Backyard makeovers! While I may not be gardening as much this year, Damian and I have grand plans for a complete landscaping overhaul. It will be Damian’s next big project, and it’s going to be RAD.
  • Sweet sexy sundresses. Unpacking my warm weather wardrobe, and hiding away all the coats and scarves. Bare legs and sandals and the delicious smell of sunscreen (which, to my mind, means grand adventures). Wearing light-as-air cotton, and glittery flip-flops, and . . . my son! =)
  • Last Thursday, and First Thursday, and all the other magnificent art culture that Portland has to offer. My son and I will be making the rounds, to be sure.
  • Foodie season! Oh man, I do love soups and hearty winter fare, but I’m so ready for FRESH veggies, RAW meals, and all the delicious VARIETY that we get this time of year. Asparagus, artichokes, berries (!!!), oh my. Can. Not. Wait.
  • Making sun tea! With fresh mint, grown in my own yard.
  • Nature. Playing at the river, hiking in the gorge, exploring the arboretum, and more more more!
  • Green smoothies for breakfast. Eating really, really healthy.
  • And mostly, taking the time to smell those fresh spring blooms, to slow down and really look around, to love on my new family, and to appreciate this incredible life!

IMG_2236‘Papa San’ calms his grandson. That’s my Dad – don’t we look so alike??

I hope that you’re all enjoying these first few kisses of springtime (or autumn’s invigorating chill, for those of you in the southern hemisphere). I’m going to go back into hiding now, and continue to enjoy these precious, once-in-a-lifetime first weeks, with my newborn firstborn.

For those of you interested, I finally finished writing my [incredibly verbose - would you expect anything less? haha] Birth Story, which you can read here.

For the visually-minded, Waits has his very own microblog (maintained by Damian), here, with tons of photos and even a few words.

And finally, some thank you’s are in order.

A huge and heartfelt THANK YOU to Matt J, the L family, and Barbara B, for the generous contributions to my tip jar. You guys help to make all this possible, and I hope you know how much your support means to me.

A special THANK YOU to Katherine D, who sent me a Neti Pot off of my wishlist. I’m so excited to finally have one, and just in time for pollen season too. You rock!!!

And the sincerest of THANK YOUs to Jacquelyn, who sent me and my son a package of beautiful handmade bibs and burp cloths. These are amazing, I’m so impressed with your craft, and so incredibly touched at the sweet gesture. They are treasures, truly.

So thank you again, and thank you to all of you out there. You’re all my inspiration. I hope you’ll bear with me on my hiatus, and I hope to see you still here when I return!

Now, my dears, what are YOU looking forward to in the coming season?


19 Comments to Goodbye Winter!



March 25, 2010

Waits is just so darn cute! I love the first picture. Especially the crack…I totally understand that. Haha! Im glad you are enjoying time with your son out in the beautiful weather. :-)



March 25, 2010

We’re in Gresham and there is a farmer’s market walking distance away… that opens in May. No good! I myself am pregnant and trying to stay healthy but winter has so many less options. In the summer I will mostly shop my mother’s wicked, fast-growing vegetable gardens – very excited. She is even doing home-grown eggs. (I know you’re vegan but they’re cage free and mostly like pets who happen to provide food on occasion.)

Baby is adorbs and I can’t wait for mine. Going to check out that Husband Coached Child Birth book as well.



March 25, 2010

What a flippin cutie!!!



March 25, 2010

Haha, sooo glad to see you posted today after all! He looks beautiful, glad you had such a lovely time and are enjoying springtime!



March 26, 2010


I was so happy when I saw the new post! Of course we’ll bear with you on your hiatus – you guys are so worth having that priceless time in hiding, just the three of you and your close ones :) Although it Will be a little bit challenging for me, trying to find another source of inspiration while you’re gone. You always inspire me and give me new energy to try and be healthy, creative, happy and environmental friendly.

It’s going to be an awesome time for Waits! My mom (with 3 children) always says that being born in the springtime is a privilege because the baby gets to make the first attempts of crawling outside in the garden, they would always want to explore and touch the grass :) I guess it just looks so funky! That’s how I started crawling 20 years ago when I was 3 months old!

I just saw the short video on Waits’ photoblog. And I think I want to have a baby :D hahahahhaa. He is ***SO*** cute!!! Ok, I’ll try to get that crazy baby-idea out of my mind now.

Anyway! I’m off to read your Birth Story! Enjoy April, enjoy the sunlight, enjoy your special time and have a happy Easter! (…haven’t figured out how a vegan should celebrate Easter though!)




March 26, 2010

Waits is gorgeous. no lie. congratulations again :)
have fun at the farmer’s markets! we have at least 6 weeks to 2 months here in the midwest before any substantial markets open up.



March 26, 2010

Congratulations again! I want a baby too!



March 26, 2010

Whoo hoo!! I’ve got another post to hold me over til you’ve got all the time you need with your little munchkin. :-) He looks so good! You look tired, but radiant and beautiful. I picked up some tomato sprouts and am building my planters this weekend – I can’t wait to get gardening tips from you!


Ginger Baker

March 26, 2010

I’m looking forward to picnics!! And the garden, though the amount of work we have to do this year (after a whole construction project cut a path through our yard AND left a ton of debris everywhere) is a bit daunting. Enjoy your baby, we will be here when you have time. :-)


Hope Hughes

March 26, 2010

You and your family are just plain awesome. I’m so wanting to feel the warm sun again!! Today is cold and rainy, but I hope that will change soon!!!
Peace and peas my friend!



March 26, 2010

Thanks so much everyone! You guys ROCK!

@ Janine – ‘Husband Coached Childbirth’ is the book that outlines the Bradley Method – not sure if you’ve heard of that one. Damian said a lot of the info was pretty intuitive, but that he did get a lot of useful stuff out of it. It’s all about empowering the couple to advocate for themselves (in a hospital situation) and for the ‘husband’ (birth partner) to be the main labor support (as opposed to a doula, etc)

Good luck with everything! Congrats!

@ Minna – I LOVE that about learning to crawl in the grass. So sweet!



March 26, 2010

I’m sure people tell you all the time, but you look utterly fabulous for just having a baby.



March 27, 2010

First off, Waits is just adorable! He looks so sweet and quiet and peaceful. He is so lucky to have such wonderful parents.

I am loving all the sunshine. I hate having to be at work and seeing the sunshine from the desk. But luckily there’s still some when I get done at 5.
I’m looking forward to venturing to my first farmers market in a few weeks. It’ll probably be torture since we don’t really have money to spare and he won’t come with me since it’s before 4pm on a Saturday. But I’m still looking forward to going.
I’m already buying more fruits and veggies since they’re now starting to come into season and are cheaper and taste wonderful! My body’s going, “FRESH FOOD!!!!” So I’m taking care of it. :)



March 28, 2010

What a gorgeous baby boy, just perfect!

I’m looking forward to experiencing spring through my one-year-old’s eyes – flowers, birds, new foods – and holding his sweet, grubby hand as he becomes a more adept walker.



March 28, 2010

glad to hear everything is going swell! :)
this spring will be stressful, so i’m more excited about summer. but i’m happy i can ride my bike again without worrying about being stranded in the rain!


Jenny B.

March 30, 2010

He’s so beautiful, as are you:) I am super excited for more gardening…my winter garden ended up a bit of a disaster this year as we got a new doggy who oddly loves vegetables:) Exicted more lazy beach days and swimming in swimming holes….teaching Rowan to surf…Hawaii, spending time at the ashram and Tulum adventures:) traveling with the little one.



April 5, 2010


I’m just discovering your blog thanks to and I’m totally peaceful in your zen space :)

I’m really looking forward to spring for eating more raw vegetables, having big salads and taboule to which I’m going to add my sprouted seeds. And also painting with open windows, the sun touching my skin while I’m working…



April 9, 2010

Thank you everyone for all the lovely comments! And I adore reading your Spring Love lists – so inspiring!!!



April 11, 2010

Happy spring! My Spring Love List would have to include fruit salad and homemade yogurt, which I eat from the first break of the weather until well after frost. Yum.

Feeding ice cubes to the dogs also ranks up there. Somehow they think it is a super special treat. Don’t tell them any different!